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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

student life......

sebut pasal student ni..smua org pernah jd student..smua org prnh menjalani kehidupan sbgi student life...hmmm..so, smua org msti taw & faham kan mcm mna perangai student ni...tp x smua mcm ni la..tp klo org mcm sy ni mmg perangai tu buruk sgt..malas sgt study...suka sgt sudy last minute...tp ramai jg la yg sntsa study...hmmm..budak2 mcm tu mmg sy respect la cuz mmg sntsa dpt result yg baik dlm exam..tp sy & kwn2 yg sama kpla dgn sy...hmmmmm...mmg..satu spesies..nak taw apa dlm kepala kami before & when exam???...kita terjah ni...sapa rasa dia pun mcm ni...hmmm...i like...hehehehe..

before exam...
1. aiks...bila exam???...3 miggu lg??ala..lama lg la..relax lu la...
2. sy blm study o..ko suda study ka????
3. sy maw dapat dekan sem ni...mesti..
4. mari on9 jap facebook...exam lama lg..
5.sy x blh study awal..nt sy lupa..so sia2 la sy study cuz nt sy x blh answer jg tu..huhu..
6.sy malas maw study o hari ni..bsk la..klo x mood x blh study..x msk..sia2 ja..

exam week!!!!
1.help me!!!...huhu..sy blm study lg ni...uwaaaaaaa
2.mati la ni..mcm mana maw jawab paper ni nt...
3.sy study last minute..sy x dpt jawab paper td...menyesal...
4.sy blm hbs study lg ni..mati la ni..
5.mcm mana maw dpt dekan klo mcm ni..sy blm study lg
6.sy x blh tdr..sy blm hbs study lg...(terus mata pun bengkak semacam....)
7.sy x blh jawab paper td...uwaaaaaaa
8.sy takut sy gagal...
9.tolong sy...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

It Is About Ur Breast..

A few months ago I was given the title related to breast self-examination assignments where I have been tasked to provide health education related to breast self-examination to the public out there, especially to women from adolescence to the elderly. The result of a given topic makes me a better understanding of what is breast self-examination and the purpose it was made. Here, I want to share with you related to breast self-examination and breast-related problems of women.
  • Do U Know What Is BSE ( Breast Self Examination)?
Breast self-examination or BSE is a self-examination is carried out physically by the women on both breasts to detect any abnormalities in their breasts for immediate action be taken to prevent problems such as breast cancer.

  • When Should BSE Is Performed?
> Age 20 - 39
BSE can be done every month from day-7 until the 10th day after menstruation occurs.Inspection is not performed when the menstrual period may experience breast swelling as a result of the action of hormones during the menstrual cycle.

>Age 40 And Above
If women were menopausal, do check on the two sides of every month at a fixed date. set an appropriate date for each month is easy to remember and to do self-examination every month on the same date.

~Know The Sign~

How To Do It?

Beauty..Easy as 1,2,3..

Foundation with a viscous texture to give containers such as baby's skin.Content SPF 15 to protect the face from the rays.

Compounds that surrounds the fiber eyebrows for a morethick and 3 times the length of the cilia of origin.
have sexy lips and cute with lipstick lips spread lips for a younger, moist and fresh with interesting color hues.

glance the eye with stunning eyeshadow can givemake tempting.

Friday, October 15, 2010

measures to maintain skin moisture

To get the skin to stay healthy and radiant skin is to ensure that moisture is always maintained. However, it is difficult to maintain because there are many contributing factors that can lead to loss of moisture, including psychological stress, winter or air-conditioned rooms.
The best way to overcome the loss of moisture in the body is to practice proper skin care is by some measures such as washing, moisturizing and protecting.
moisturizing lotion for skin
cleaning function as remove dirt, sebum, and the rest make up the rest without expelling the oil needed by the skin. Use a cream to help moisturize the skin. a good moisturizer to act in three ways, namely skin coat to prevent loss of water, hydrates the skin and stimulates the production of protein and organic matter that helps the skin retain moisture better.Good skin care such as washing, moisturizing and protecting not only will reduce moisture loss, but helps skin look smoother, firmer and healthier in the long run.

facial moisturizer